This has never happened before


It’s hard to keep track of all that your contributions are doing—

  • In addition to supporting ten Uganda primary and secondary students, we’re also
  • the sole support of two university students (one girl is brilliant in math!), a nursing student (graduating this month!), and
  • a full-on medical student in Uganda— he will become the first-ever MD in his county;
  • we’ve partially supported a Congolese refugee pre-med student at a university in South Africa;
  • we’ve literally saved three lives in Congo and Uganda by paying for major medical treatments (but alas, couldn’t save another— and now we’re helping his widow and seven children);
  • helped to deliver a baby; and
  • helped two people in Uganda start small businesses, which are successful.
  • We also have three Uganda kids in good vocational schools, and another, in Congo, just graduated.

All of us are only a hose for God’s mercy. But we’ve learned, in faith, that the more we open the tap, the more the water flows.

So— you can open the tap!

AND— Big News!— in December 2019, one of our more generous contributors wrote,

“I am sending you a check this week for $1000 for the Africa Fund. But why don’t you announce that any donations made in December will be matched by an Anonymous Donor (me)….I will then send you a second check at the end of the month.

Just go to or to to contribute by Paypal— or just send a check to our address below!

Every dollar you give will be matched !! This has never happened before !!!

(It’s tax-deductible, of course).

Jesus Christ himself
will thank you.

Actually, that’s true.


John Burnett, Director

This has never happened before

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